The Student Equity and Success Council (SESC) will provide institutional direction on student success and equity issues on campus. The council will strive to be a representative voice for the campus community and will put the interests and well-being of students first.
The Student Equity and Success Council (SESC) will provide institutional direction on student success and equity issues on campus. The council will strive to be a representative voice for the campus community and will put the interests and well-being of students first.
Some of the SESC projects are listed here: SESC Task List
The Student Equity and Success (SES) Council will provide institutional direction on equity issues on campus. The council will also coordinate and promote existing equity and/or student success programs and efforts here on campus.
SES Coordinator Schedule
SES Council Meetings – (see agendas for physical room location and Zoom link)
Action Meetings – 3:30-5:00 pm second Tuesday of each month of the Fall/Spring semesters
Discussion/Work Meetings – 3:30-5:00 pm fourth Tuesday of each month of the Fall/Spring semesters
SES Coordinator open office hours – Thurs 8:00-9:15 in office 2707 or virtual (Zoom Link)
Voting Members:
Commodore St. Germain (SES Coordinator) and Shirley Lewis
(Administration) Co-chairs
Co-chairs: Commodore St. Germain (SES Coordinator) and Heather Watson-Perez (Administration) – tie break votes only
Voting members:
Special Programs
Special Programs
Amanda Morrison - Social & Behavioral Sciences
Maria Isip-Bautista - AANHPI
Shanan Danley - A2MEND
Mikaela Mack - Student Ambassador
Ashlie Lawson - Faculty
Atticus Frey - Library
Angelika Duculan - Student Ambassador
*To be added as a voting member of the SESC, you must be available to meet in person the second Tuesday of each month during the Fall/Spring semesters on the Fairfield campus. If interested, please email